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Group policy updates

The information in this article applies to:

  • WinWay Resume Deluxe 9.0 and later


If you installed the application via group policy, you may also deploy application updates via the same mechanism.

More Information

Step 1 - Extract the patch file (.msp)

  1. Open your "temp" folder, which is typically located in "C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Temp".  The folder may be "hidden"
  2. Recommended: delete unnecessary files in the "temp" folder
  3. Click on "start," "programs," "WinWay Resume Deluxe," "Free Updates" and follow the procedure for downloading the free update
  4. While watching the "temp" folder, run the "free update" file
  5. Notice the creation of a new folder under the "temp" folder, with a name such as "{CDA194BC-26C0-4EFB-BAEC-552FFC6238F1}".  This new folder will contain a "patch" file with extension ".msp".
  6. Copy the "patch" file to another location
  7. Exit the "Free update" application

 Step 2 - Apply the "patch" file to the ".msi" file

  1. Locate the shared folder used for installing the application.  The folder contains a file with extension ".msi", e.g. "WinWay Resume Deluxe.msi"
  2. Apply the patch (.msp) by running
    msiexec /p <path to patch file (.msp)> /a <path to installation file (.msi) in shared folder>

 Step 3 - Redeploy the application via Group Policy

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