Resume Software
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e-mail your resume

This information applies to the following products:

  • All versions of WinWay Resume


The method for sending e-mail depends on your e-mail configuration.

You may be using:

  • Web-based e-mail (yahoo, hotmail, msn, and others)
  • AOL
  • Outlook or Outlook Express

Web-based e-mail (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, msn, etc.)

For web-based e-mail:

  1. Open your resume
  2. Select File, Export, and choose the desired format
  3. For best results, choose "Acrobat PDF"
  4. Note the file name, e.g. “my documents\resume1.pdf”
  5. Exit WinWay Resume
  6. Use your regular e-mail program to send the file you exported in step 4


  1. If you wish to use Outlook Express for sending/receiving AOL e-mail, see;EN-US;883081
  2. Alternately, use the "Web-based e-mail" method above

Outlook or Outlook Express

To send your resume, select File, Send.  If this does not open the correct e-mail program:

  1. Start Internet Explorer
  2. Select Tools, Options (or Internet Options), Programs
  3. Ensure the correct e-mail program is selected
  4. If this does not help, follow the procedure for “web-based e-mail” above


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